Nimic nu se compara cu o supa de pui cu taitei ca la mama acasa :) Mai ales intr-o zi friguroasa sau daca simti ca te incearca o raceala :) Vreau sa va spun ca cea mai buna supa de pui a mea e cea pe care o fac la multicookerul Crockpot Express, e atat de gustoasa, limpede si aromata, o bunatate!
- 1 pui mic de tara
- 2 morcovi
- 1 ceapa
- 1 pastarnac
- 1 cartof
- 2 mini ardei grasi
- 1/2 telina
- 1 foaie de dafin
- cateva boabe de piper
- 60g taitei cu ou
Aveti o extra reducere de 10% cu codul Madeline10 pentru multicookerul Crockpot Express, cat si pentru restul gamei, pe siteul CrockPot Romania, valabil pana la 31 martie 2021! :) Nu uitati si de special dedicata acestui multicooker, o gasiti AICI.
Mod de preparare
Punem in vasul multicookerului 3L de apa si puiul (eu am avut un pui micut de ferma gen coquelet, daca folositi un pui mare, aveti grija sa nu depasiti cu apa nivelul maxim), dafinul si boabele de piper. Punem capacul rotim valva de presiune si setam aparatul pe Poultry, High pressure, 20 de min.
Dupa expirarea timpului punem un prosopel pe capac si rotim cu grija valva de presiune, dupa ce nu mai fasaie inlaturam capacul si adaugam legumele intregi curatate si spalate.
Punem capacul rotim valva si setam aparatul pe Soup, High pressure, 20 de min. Dupa expirarea timpului procedam la fel ca prima data, scoatem legumele si puiul din supa, strecuram supa si o turnam din nou in vasul multicookerului.
Pe Brown/Saute fierbem taiteii conform instructiunilor de pe ambalaj sau pana sunt fierti bine si adaugam carnea de pui maruntita si legumele dorite, eu am pus morcovi si cartof :)
Nu am pus sare pentru ca e reteta baby friendly, voi fireste ca puteti pune :) Alte retete la minunatul CrockPot Express gasiti aici. Pofta mare!
Ain’t nothing like a hot chicken noodle soup like my mom and grandma used to make :) Especially in a cold rainy day or when you feel like you’re coming up with a cold :) My best ever chicken soup is the one I make in my CrockPot Express pressure cooker, it’s sssso delicious, clear and full of flavor!
- 1 small free range chicken
- 2 carrots
- 1 onion
- 1 parsnip
- 1 potato
- 2 small bell peppers
- 1/2 celeriac
- 1 bay leaf
- pepper
- 60 g egg noodles
Put 3L of water in the multi cooker pot and the chicken (I had a small free range chicken, if you use a bigger one, make sure the water level does not exceed max level), bayleaf and pepper. Put the lid on, rotate to closed, rotate the pressure valve to closed and cook on Poultry, High pressure for 20 min.
When the time’s up, put a kitchen cloth on the lid and carefully open the pressure valve with a spatula, once there is no more steam coming out, remove the lid and add the peeled and washed veggies, whole.
Put the lid on, rotate to closed, rotate the valve to closed and cook on Soup, High pressure, 20 de min. When the time’s up, do as indicated in the previous step, strain the soup and add just the liquid to the multicooker pot again.
Boil the noodles on Brown/Saute according to the instructions on the package, then add some of the shredded meat and desired veggies, I added chopped carrot and potato :) I did not put salt because this is a baby friendly recipe, but of course you can. Enoy !